The publication of professor Ivan V. Ivanov
Ivan V. Ivanov, doctor of medical sciences, professor, specialist in psychophysiology and professional selection, studied individual features of organism reactions to radiation effects, including the conditions of applying antiradiation protection drugs, at the Semipalatinsk scientific research experimental nuclear range during 15 years; nowadays chief of department of State Scientific Research Test Institute of Military Medicine MD RF, Moscow, Russia
1) Ivanov I.V. Initial reactivity of organism and radiation effects: medical-prophylactic aspects of the problem. Scientific-practical manual / Issed by prof. N.G. Darenskaya.-M., 2005. - 409 pp. 2) Ivanov I.V. Criterion indices of ionizing radiation effects in sublethal doses: (methodical guide) / Issed by prof. N.G. Darenskaya. - M.: RMAPO, 2005. - 55 p. 3) Extrapolation of the experimental data on man: principles, approaches, substantiation of methods and their use in physiology and radiobiology (Manual) - Darenskaya N.G., Ushakov I.B., Ivanov I.V. and others.- Moscow-Voronezh: "Istoki", 2004. - 231 p. 4) The dynamics of manifestations of non-specific reactivity of organism during time (the resume of article) 5) Articles and Abstracts of Reports on individual Features Scientific editor - Darenskaya Natalya Georgievna Russian
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