Ivanov I.V. Initial reactivity of organism and radiation effects: medical-prophylactic aspects of the problem. Scientific-practical manual / Issed by prof. N.G. Darenskaya.-M., 2005. - 409 pp.
References 440, ill. 37, tab. 85, append.:tab. 48, ill. 3.
The monograph is devoted to the issues of individual differences in effects of ionizing radiation on mammals organism. In this monograph there are generalize the theoretical aspects of the problem and the author''s stored concrete data on the issues of influence of typological peculiarities of the higher nervous activity and reactivity of hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal system on behavior, clinical, laboratory and morphological indices of the process of acute irradiation sickness in small and large laboratory animals, approaches to extrapolation of obtained, experimental data on man.
There are considered criteria and indices, used at the appraisal of individual reactivity of organism, dynamics of these indices in time, their influence on the effects of using a variety of anti-radiation means after irradiation as well as on indices of fulfilling skills.
This edition is intended for physiologist, radiobiologists, toxicologists, hygienists, pharmacologists and other scientific workers in the field of medicine and biology, encountered with the problems of prognosing and estimating consequences of ionizing radiation effect on organism.
e-mail: ivanov-iv@yandex.ru.