Ivanov I.V. Criterion indices of ionizing radiation effects in sublethal doses: (methodical guide) / Issed by prof. N.G. Darenskaya. - M.: RMAPO, 2005. - 55 p.
References 70, ill. 2, tab. 15.
ionizing radiation, sublethal doses, dose criteria
This guide is devoted to the issues of estimating the extent of disorders heaviness after effects of ionizing radiation on man organism. In this book there are analyzed the early and recent clinic-laboratory indices of acute and chronic irradiation sickness current, the functional state of critical systems in man after irradiation in sublethal doses.
The considered indices and dose criteria can be used for estimating and prognosing the heaviness of irradiation sickness current and its outcomes, depending on the known radiation effect dose, as well as for judging the possible radiation dose basing on the known manifestations of irradiation sickness in man.
This edition is intended for radiobiologists, medical radiologists, hygienists, specialists in ecological, aviation and space medicine, encountered with the problems of prognosing and estimating the outcomes of ionizing radiation effect on organism.
Connection with the author by e-mail: ivanov-iv@yandex.ru